Love this! I have a bit of ephemera myself… The Peyton article reminds me of a sports columnist I read for most of my early years, Jerry Isenberg “At Large”.
The Star Ledger, NJ’s most influential paper, will be printing its last paper edition tomorrow. It will lose its editorial board, obituaries and other features. Several other NJ papers also going online only.
Love this! I have a bit of ephemera myself… The Peyton article reminds me of a sports columnist I read for most of my early years, Jerry Isenberg “At Large”.
I remember the Super Bowl Shuffle 45 as well. Everyone had a copy back in the day. Thanks for reading, as always.
The Star Ledger, NJ’s most influential paper, will be printing its last paper edition tomorrow. It will lose its editorial board, obituaries and other features. Several other NJ papers also going online only.
That’s awful. Newspapers are a shell of what they once were, but I hate seeing them disappearing altogether.
The Jersey Journal, which covers Hudson County – “ a hot bed of political corruption” (NYTimes) - will cease to exist. It’s just not good.